Protect your assets with loan insurance
Convenient consumer credit insurance
‘Loan protection insurance’, often also referred to as ‘consumer credit insurance.’ It is an insurance product that exists in order to protect you and your family and keep you covered in times that are involuntary and unpredictably tough.
Life is an inevitable journey of surprises, with unexpected occurrences around each corner. When one takes out a loan, it is impossible to foresee the future and predict exactly what’s going to happen. Something completely out of your control could take place and make you unable to pay your regular loan instalments, resulting in an array of problems with your credit provider/s. This could be anything from involuntary unemployment to disability or even death. An event like this is sure to put anyone under strain and prevent them from being able to make regular payment on their loan agreements.
Another very important factor to take into consideration is your credit score, which proves as a track record for your credit history. Your credit score is an essential reference point that is often looked at when applying for credit.
Loan protection is an insurance that is designed to help policyholders by providing financial support in the time of need. Consumer credit insurance steps in at crucial moments by helping to protect monthly loan payments based on the term of the insurance and policy limits.
Yes Loans has access to loan protection insurance specific to a clients loan whether it may be for equipment, a car, boat or truck. Consumer credit insurance covers payments on your behalf and may pay out the entirety of your loan if you fall ill or have an accident that makes you unable to perform your regular job.
It is always a good idea to consider the Product Disclosure Document from the product issuer to ensure that the chosen policy is right for you. Contact one of our team members now.
For more about our services complete an online contact us form or call us 08 9468 6051 for loan protection insurance quotes now.
Why you need loan protection insurance
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